Our Services
Whanau Ora
Mokai Patea Services guided by its Mokai Patea Whanau Ora model of care provides a whanau ora service to whanau within our rohe. Our Whanau Ora Iwi navigators work with whanau to identify, develop, implement, and evaluate whanau care plans that aim to improve overall wellness/health and wellbeing for whanau as well as a focus on the educational needs of whanau and the development, production and implementation of whanau education action plans and individual education plans for tamariki and rangatahi. Whanau Ora Iwi Navigators have comprehensive training in a wide range of areas that include Health Promotion, Budgeting, Mental Health & Addictions, Child Protection, First Aid, Communication Strategies, Treaty of Waitangi, Project Management, Whanau Champions, Tipu Ora/Hauora Maori, Tamariki Ora/Well Child services and a whole range of other relevant training that can ultimately help to support whanau.
Our whanau ora model of care specifies that whanau have one point of entry full assessment process with our designated team leader and from there they are assigned to a Whanau Ora Iwi Navigator who will best suit their needs as illustrated below.
“Building strong resilient, whanau and individuals who are empowered to make their own positive choices in life will feed into the organisations mission statement”
Kia Tu Mokai Patea!

Kaupapa Maori Mental Health
An integral part of the Mokai Patea Services Whanau Ora Unit mahi is the assistance offered out to whanau/tangata whaiora under the kaupapa of Kaupapa Maori Mental Health Services.
Te Oranganui Trust provide Mental Health and Addiction Nurses, these nurses offer the clinical support to Whanau for this service and our Whanau Ora Iwi Navigators provide the community support to whanau who are experiencing mental health or addiction issues.
Financial Capability Mentoring
Financial mentors provide a one-on-one service focused on financial wellbeing. They work alongside a person and whānau, building trust and understanding the complexity of their needs, empowering them to get control of their money. Financial mentors have a non-judgemental approach and sound financial knowledge. Financial mentors support people to make connections with local networks and social services to ensure they get the right support at the right time. Financial mentors support their whānau to set meaningful goals to take control of their financial lives.
Administration and Secretariat Services
Mokai Patea Services provides contracted secretariat/administrational service to Te
Runanga O Ngati Whitikaupeka, Te Runanga O Ngati Tamakopiri and Te Runanga O Ngai Te Ohuake.
We also provide administration and financial administration support to the Mokai Patea Waitangi Claims Trust.
Mokai Patea Services also provides administrational/project development/human resource/and transportation support to a number of kaumatua focussed groups and initiatives.
Support is provided to the Pukatea Wainui Kaumatua group.
This work is carried out by the dedicated Management/Admin Unit within the organisation