Rahera Ingle
Whānau Ora Iwi Navigator
Ko Te Arawa te waka
Ko Ruapehu te maunga
Ko Hautapu te awa
Ko Ngāti Tūmatauenga te iwi
Ko Tū Wharetoa te hapū
Ko Rongomaraeroa te marae
Ko Rahera Ingle tōku ingoa
I grew up in Springfield, Canterbury NZ with my Grandparents. Spent my primary school years there, before moving back up by Mum for my intermediate years. At that time, I lived in Waiōuru as Mum was in the army, made a variety of friendships/relationships, that till this day are still going strong. From there I went to high school back down south by my grandma and spent the rest of my schooling down there.
When I moved back up north by mum, I worked at Taihape McDonalds, starting from crew level, and worked my way up until senior management and running a department. I spent 8 years there, before making the jump and applying for a job as a Whānau Ora Iwi Navigator at Mōkai Pātea Services.
An opportunity which I am thankful I have the privilege to undertake, especially working with whānau in our community.
“Ehara te kāinga i te wāhi, he āhua aroha”
“Home is not a place; it is a feeling”.