Pania Winiata

Ngāti Hauiti Representative


Ko Aorangi te Pae Maunga

Ko Rangitīkei te awa

Ko Tākitimu te waka

Ko Ngāti Hauiti te iwi

Ko Ngāi Te Ngāhoa rāua ko Ngāti Hinemanu ngā hapū

Ko Rātā te marae

Personal Statement:

I was born and raised in Taihape by my Koko and Nanny Robert (known as Bob or father) and Ann Māmā Hemmingsen (nee Winiata). I was bought up in a little whare 5 minutes south of Taihape on Winiata Road. I attended Taihape Primary School, and Taihape College before heading to Wellington, for 25 years with my partner, and our three sons. We decided it was time to return home, we purchased half an acre and built our home in Utiku.

 I have a background in management, processes, HR and governance, I am currently the Manager/Project and Events Coordinator for Taihape Community Development Trust. It is important that my children know their Whakapapa and remain connected to their awa and maunga, and that I share what I have learned with other whānau.

I am a member of the Mōkai Pātea Services Governance Board feel it is the duty of our current and future generations to return home and give back to the whānau, hapū and iwi.

Nāku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi.