Nataaria (Legynd) Lucas-Payne
Pou Iwi
Ko Tongariro, Ko Paraekaretu ngā Maunga
Ko Tongariro, Ko Turakina ngā Awa
Ko Te Arawa, Ko Tākitimu ngā Waka
Ko Hīrangi, Ko Tini Waitara ngā Marae
Ko Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ko Ngāti Apa ngā Iwi.
Workplace First Aider
New Zealand Certificate in Whānau Ora (Level 4)
I was born in Wanganui and spent the first 6 years of my life in Taihape. Me and my whānau then moved to Taupō where we spent the next 13 years. I graduated high school in 2012 (Tauhara College). When I was 19 years old my mum, dad, brother, and sister moved to Australia, I stayed here in Aotearoa and moved to Auckland with my partner and studied Hairdressing. In 2013 my partner and I decided to move by my whānau in Australia. I attended Melbourne School of Hospitality, where my partner started his apprenticeship as a builder. After completing my studies, I then spent the next 6 years working fulltime in the hospitality industry. In 2019 my partner and I moved back to Taihape, I know I lost my connection being so far from home, and I knew I needed to find myself again. I am blessed with the opportunity to work at Mōkai Pātea Services as a Whānau Ora Iwi Navigator, and this has been a great part of my growth, and a part of my journey to reconnection.
“Taku wheako, me tōku wheako, ka ora tahi tātou”
“With my experience, and your experience, we will heal together”.