Kuia Byford

Ngāti Tamakōpiri Representative


 Ko Aorangi tōku maunga

Ko Hautapu tōku awa

Ko Ngāti Tamakōpiri tōku iwi

Ko Opaea tōku marae

Ko Kuia McTaggart tōku whaea

Ko Kuia Whale tōku ingoa.

Personal Statement:

Married to Joe Byford for 50 years, we have 6 daughters, 19 mokopuna and 3 great mokopuna. I was born in Taihape the youngest of Horace and Kuia Whale’s 14 offspring.

I have been involved with schools, sports clubs and the Cancer Society Committees. At present I am on the Opaea Marae Committee as the Treasurer and I am also a delegate on Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tamakōpiri and the Kaiao Rangi Trust.  My interests are whānau and golf. I also have Ngāi Tahu affiliations.