Kingi (Lawrence) Barbarich
Whanau Ora Iwi Navigator
Ko Mauao te Maunga
Ko Tauranga te Moana
Ko Mātaatua te Waka
Ko Waikari te Marae
Ko Tapukino te Wharenui
Ko Kahumoeangi te Wharekai
Ko Ngāi Te Rangi te Iwi
Ko Ngāti Tapu te Hapu
Nō Tauranga ahau
Kia Ora Whanau, my name is Kingi (Lawrence) Barbarich. This is my second time living here in Taihape. I have 3 Tamariki Ariana Ngamane, Ahurangi Tekākano and Tangaroa-Ara-Rau, they are my main reason for choosing a place here in Mokai Patea.
I was born in Waikato Hospital and raised in Turanga nui a Kiwa (Gisborne). At the age of 12 I moved to Tokoroa to live with my brother where I spent several years. My previous roles were working at Countdown as a crew worker, then moving up to a department manager in several departments. We moved back to Taihape, and I worked at New World.
When I saw there was a space available here, I applied and was lucky enough to become the newest Whanau Ora Iwi Navigator. I look forward to helping people in this amazing community and building everlasting relationships. This Whanau Ora Iwi Navigator role suits me, I naturally love helping people and look forward to the opportunity for growth, as a person, not only mentally but culturally with every experience that comes my way, big or small.
“Ma te whakatika, ka puta ko te ritenga, ka puta ko whakatupua”
Discipline leads to habits, habits lead to consistency, consistency leads to growth!!!