Johnson Hiroa

Ngāi Te Ohuake Representative


Ko Aorangi Te Maunga

Ko Moawhango rahi me Rangitikei nga Awa

Ko Mokai Patea Te Rohe Potae

Ko Ngai Te Ohuake me Ngati Whitikaupeka nga Iwi

Ko Mokai Papakainga me Moawhango Marae nga Kainga tuturu

 Ko Taonui raua ko Rona Hera Matana oku matua tupuna,

Ko Murray raua Ko Tracey Piki Te Ora oku matua

Ko Emily toku hoa rangatira

Ko Harvey Taonui toku tama,

Ko Johnson Tiopira I Roto I te Hau Hiroa toku ingoa

Personal Statement:

I would like to acknowledge, all those people that have contributed into my life and have provided me with the confidence to step into this governance role despite the challenges, responsibilities and expectations that come with it.

I grew up in Moawhango as an only child, under the korowai of my loving parents and grandparents but also the wider whanau whanui. I have been fortunate enough to have seen the benefits of what hard work brings, being connected to my marae and Iwi but also understanding that as a father, I am a role model to my son and have a huge influence on his future.  I feel privileged to be surrounded by passionate and avid advocates of whanau, hapu and Iwi development and keep pushing my own thinking to help make good decisions for the betterment of our people here in Mokai Patea.

He Whakatauki!

 Kaupeka Ki Runga Kaupeka Ki Raro Kui Kui Whiti Whiti Ora E!