Tutunui (Brierly) Chase
Whanau Ora iwi Navigator
Ko Aorangi Te Maunga
Ko Moawhango Rahi Te Awa
Ko Ngati Whitikaupeka Te Iwi
Ko Ngati Whiti Tama Te Hapu
Ko Moawhango Te Marae
No Taihape ahau
Ko Brierly Tutunui Chase Toku Ingoa
Level 4 Introduction to Health Promotion
Te Ahu o Te Kahui Maunga Level 1
Workplace First Aid
Financial Mentoring Introductory Course
Born and raised in Taihape, however I have spent the last 16 years working abroad in the Global supply of Pharmaceuticals. My return home has created opportunities of discovery and reconnection with my whenua and whanau. I have a passion for the great outdoors and have been blessed to explore much of Mokai Patea since my return. I enjoy challenging environments and navigating potential pathways towards a successful outcome. As a Whanau Ora Iwi Navigator, I have found that my transition into this role has aligned well with my passions and aspirations. I am continuously learning and developing, with the intention of becoming a valued team member within the organisation.
“Mai i te ti, ka turuki, ka paneke, ki nga whetu piataata”
From the beginning, I grow, I move forward, to reach the shining stars.