Whanau Ora Iwi Navigtor
Ko Hikurangi me Aorangi nga maunga
Ko Waiapu me Moawhango nga awa
Ko Ngati Porou me Ngati Whitikaupeka nga iwi
Ko Te Aitanga a Mate me Ngati Whiti Tūturu nga hapu
He uri ahau nō Mokai Patea
Ko Martine Heeney tōku ingoa
Ko Marjore Heeney raua ko Patrick Heeney oku Matua.
Tokotoru aku tamariki ko Xavier, rātou ko Brooklyn, ko Israel
Workplace First Aid
Me and my Tamariki moved back to Taihape in October 2023 from the beautiful rohe of Kahungunu where my tamariki also whakapapa back to. I have three tamariki who are all attending Taihape Area School. I love being back home and watching my tamariki grow up here in the beautiful rohe of Mokai Patea where I grew up.
Myself and my Tamariki whakapapa to nga iwi of Mokai Patea. Through my whanau I have a strong affiliation and love for Moawhango Marae and the wider rohe.
Working here at Mokai Patea Services I can learn a lot of new skills, gain a lot more confidence, help people which is what I always love doing and increase my knowledge and understanding of Reo me ona Tikanga o Mokai Patea.